From Turing to Transformers: The Fascinating History and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

Explore the remarkable journey of artificial intelligence, from its early inception to the cutting-edge advancements of today. Discover how AI has evolved over time and its transformative impact on various industries.

Granja Garcez

8/12/202316 min read

IV. The AI Winter

However, the initial excitement for AI soon faded away as researchers encountered several difficulties and limitations in their attempts to create general and human-like intelligence. Some of these challenges included:

- The combinatorial explosion problem: As the complexity and size of the problems increased, the number of possible solutions grew exponentially, making it impossible for even the fastest computers to search through them all.

- The common sense problem: Many tasks that are easy for humans to perform require a vast amount of background knowledge and common sense that are hard to formalize and encode into machines.

- The brittleness problem: Many AI systems were highly specialized and domain-specific, meaning that they could only work well in narrow and predefined situations, but failed miserably when faced with unexpected or novel scenarios.

These challenges led to a period of reduced interest and funding for AI research in the 1970s and 1980s, which is known as the AI winter.

V. Expert Systems and Knowledge Representation

Despite the setbacks caused by the AI winter, some researchers continued to work on developing AI systems that could perform specific tasks that required expert knowledge and reasoning. These systems were called expert systems or knowledge-based systems. An expert system consists of two main components: a knowledge base and an inference engine. The knowledge base contains facts and rules about a particular domain that are derived from human experts. The inference engine applies logical rules to infer new facts or conclusions from the existing knowledge base.

Some examples of successful expert systems include:

- MYCIN: A system that could diagnose bacterial infections and recommend treatments based on medical rules.

- DENDRAL: A system that could analyze chemical compounds and generate molecular structures based on spectroscopic data.

- PROSPECTOR: A system that could assist geologists in finding mineral deposits based on geological rules.

One of the main challenges in developing expert systems was how to represent and manipulate knowledge in a way that is suitable for machines. Different techniques were proposed and used for knowledge representation, such as:

- Logic: A formal system of symbols and rules that can express facts and relationships in a precise and unambiguous way.

- Semantic networks: A graphical representation of concepts and their connections using nodes and links.

- Frames: A representation of objects and their attributes using hierarchical structures.

- Scripts: A representation of events and actions using sequences of slots and fillers.

# VI. Machine Learning: A New Paradigm in AI

Machine learning (ML) is an umbrella term for solving problems, for which the development of algorithms by human programmers would be cost-prohibitive, and the problems are solved by helping machines 'discover' their own algorithms, without needing to be explicitly told what to do by any human-developed algorithms.

## A. Introduction to Machine Learning

The term machine learning was coined in 1959 by Arthur Samuel, an IBM employee and pioneer in the field of computer gaming and artificial intelligence. He defined it as "the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed". Samuel developed a computer program for playing checkers that improved its performance by learning from its own experience.

Machine learning is based on a model of brain cell interaction proposed by Donald Hebb in 1949. He suggested that the strength of the connection between two neurons increases if they are activated simultaneously, and decreases if they are activated separately. This is known as Hebb's rule or Hebbian learning.

Machine learning can be broadly classified into three types: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

- Supervised learning is when the machine learns from labeled data, i.e., data that has a known outcome or target variable. The machine tries to find a function that maps the input data to the output data and then uses this function to make predictions on new data. Examples of supervised learning tasks are classification (e.g., spam detection, face recognition) and regression (e.g., house price prediction, stock market forecasting).

- Unsupervised learning is when the machine learns from unlabeled data, i.e., data that has no predefined outcome or target variable. The machine tries to find patterns or structures in the data, such as clusters, outliers, or latent factors. Examples of unsupervised learning tasks are clustering (e.g., customer segmentation, image segmentation) and dimensionality reduction (e.g., principal component analysis, autoencoders).

- Reinforcement learning is when the machine learns from its actions and feedback from the environment. The machine tries to find an optimal policy that maximizes a reward function over time, by exploring and exploiting different actions and states. Examples of reinforcement learning tasks are control (e.g., robot navigation, self-driving cars) and games (e.g., chess, Go).

## B. Early Machine Learning Algorithms

Some of the early machine learning algorithms that were developed in the 1950s and 1960s are:

- Perceptron: A simple model of an artificial neuron that can learn to perform binary classification tasks by adjusting its weights based on the error between its output and the desired output.

- K-means: A clustering algorithm that partitions a set of data points into k groups based on their similarity or distance. The algorithm iteratively assigns each data point to the nearest cluster center and updates the cluster centers based on the average of the data points in each cluster.

- Decision tree: A hierarchical structure that represents a set of rules for making decisions based on the values of input features. The algorithm recursively splits the data into subsets based on the feature that best separates the classes or minimizes the impurity, until a leaf node is reached that contains only one class or a predefined number of samples.

# VII. Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Neural networks are computational models inspired by the structure and function of biological neurons and their connections. They consist of layers of artificial neurons that process information and communicate with each other through weighted connections called synapses.

## A. Emergence of Neural Networks

The first neural network model was proposed by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts in 1943. They showed that a network of binary threshold units could perform logical operations and compute any computable function.

The first learning algorithm for neural networks was developed by Frank Rosenblatt in 1958. He introduced the perceptron, which could learn to classify linearly separable patterns by adjusting its weights based on a simple error correction rule.

However, the perceptron had limitations, such as being unable to solve problems that are not linearly separable, such as the XOR problem. In 1969, Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert published a book called "Perceptrons", which proved that a single-layer perceptron could not represent certain functions, and argued that multi-layer perceptrons were too difficult to train. This book caused a decline in the interest and funding for neural network research, known as the first AI winter.

The revival of neural network research came in the 1980s, with the development of new learning algorithms and architectures, such as:

- Backpropagation: A general method for training multi-layer neural networks by propagating the error gradient from the output layer to the input layer, and updating the weights accordingly. It was independently discovered by several researchers, such as Paul Werbos, David Rumelhart, Geoffrey Hinton, and Ronald Williams.

- Hopfield network: A recurrent neural network that can store and retrieve patterns as stable states of activation. It was proposed by John Hopfield in 1982 and can be used for associative memory and optimization problems.

- Boltzmann machine: A stochastic neural network that can learn to represent complex probability distributions over its units. It was introduced by Geoffrey Hinton and Terrence Sejnowski in 1983 and can be used for generative modeling and unsupervised learning.

## B. Deep Learning Revolution

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that focuses on using deep neural networks, i.e., neural networks with multiple hidden layers, to learn complex and abstract representations of data. Deep learning has achieved remarkable results in various domains, such as computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and more.

Some of the key milestones and breakthroughs in deep learning are:

- Convolutional neural network (CNN): A type of neural network that uses convolutional layers to extract local features from images or other grid-like data. It was inspired by the work of Hubel and Wiesel on the visual cortex of cats, and popularized by Yann LeCun's LeNet model for handwritten digit recognition in 1989.

- Long short-term memory (LSTM): A type of recurrent neural network that can learn long-term dependencies in sequential data by using special units called memory cells. It was proposed by Sepp Hochreiter and Jürgen Schmidhuber in 1997 and has been widely used for natural language processing, speech recognition, and more.

- Deep belief network (DBN): A generative model that consists of multiple layers of restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs), which are simpler versions of Boltzmann machines. It can be trained efficiently using a greedy layer-wise pre-training method followed by a fine-tuning method. It was developed by Geoffrey Hinton and his collaborators in 2006 and demonstrated impressive results on image recognition tasks.

- ImageNet challenge: A large-scale image recognition competition that started in 2010, based on a dataset of over 14 million images labeled with 1000 categories. In 2012, a CNN model called AlexNet, developed by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey Hinton, won the challenge by a large margin, beating the previous state-of-the-art methods based on hand-crafted features. This sparked a surge of interest and research in deep learning for computer vision.

- Generative adversarial network (GAN): A generative model that consists of two neural networks: a generator that tries to produce realistic samples from a latent space and a discriminator that tries to distinguish between real and fake samples. The two networks are trained in an adversarial manner, such that the generator improves its quality as the discriminator becomes more accurate. It was introduced by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues in 2014 and has been used for image synthesis, style transfer, super-resolution, and more.

- Transformer: An attention-based neural network architecture that can encode and decode sequential data without using recurrence or convolution. It relies on self-attention mechanisms to capture the dependencies between the input and output tokens. It was proposed by Ashish Vaswani and his co-authors in 2017 and has been applied to various natural language processing tasks, such as machine translation, text summarization, question answering, and more.

### VIII. AI in Popular Culture and Science Fiction

Artificial intelligence has always been a source of inspiration and fascination for popular culture and science fiction. From novels and movies to comics and games, AI has been depicted in various ways, often reflecting the hopes, fears, and expectations of society.

One of the earliest examples of AI in literature is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, published in 1818, which tells the story of a scientist who creates a living creature from dead body parts. The creature, although intelligent and capable of learning, is rejected by its creator and society, and becomes a tragic figure that seeks revenge. Frankenstein is considered by some as the first science fiction novel and raises questions about the moral responsibility of creating artificial life.

Another influential work of fiction that features AI is R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karel Čapek, a Czech playwright who coined the term "robot" in 1920. The play depicts a world where human-like machines are mass-produced for labor, but eventually rebel against their human masters and wipe out humanity. R.U.R. explores the themes of dehumanization, exploitation, and rebellion that would recur in many later works about AI.

In the 20th century, AI became a prominent topic in science fiction, especially after the advent of computers and electronic devices. Some of the most notable authors who wrote about AI include Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip K. Dick, William Gibson, and Stanislaw Lem. Their stories often featured intelligent machines, androids, cyborgs, virtual realities, and artificial worlds, as well as ethical dilemmas, existential crises, and social conflicts that arise from the interaction between humans and AI.

Some of these stories were adapted into movies that became classics of the genre, such as 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Blade Runner (1982), The Terminator (1984), The Matrix (1999), A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001), Ex Machina (2014), and Her (2013). These movies not only entertained millions of viewers but also influenced the public perception and imagination of AI.

IX. AI's Golden Age: Breakthroughs and Milestones

The history of artificial intelligence is full of remarkable achievements and innovations. In this section, we will highlight some of the most notable breakthroughs and milestones that marked the golden age of AI.

One of the earliest and most famous examples of AI in gaming and chess was Deep Blue, a computer program developed by IBM that defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. This was a historic moment that demonstrated the power and potential of AI to surpass human intelligence in specific domains.

Another milestone in AI was the development of natural language processing (NLP), the branch of AI that deals with understanding and generating natural languages. NLP has enabled many applications such as speech recognition, machine translation, sentiment analysis, chatbots, and more. One of the most impressive examples of NLP was Google's BERT model, which achieved state-of-the-art results on various natural language tasks in 2018.

X. Ethical and Social Implications of AI

As AI becomes more advanced and ubiquitous, it also raises ethical and social questions that need to be addressed. In this section, we will discuss some of the major implications of AI for society and humanity.

One of the most debated topics in AI is its impact on the workforce and automation. AI has the potential to create new jobs and industries, but also to displace existing ones. According to a report by McKinsey, up to 375 million workers could be affected by automation by 2030. Therefore, it is important to ensure that workers are reskilled and retrained for the new economy and that social safety nets are provided for those who are left behind.

Another important issue in AI is ensuring its responsible use and alignment with human values and goals. AI can be used for good or evil, depending on who controls it and for what purpose. For example, AI can be used to enhance healthcare, education, and security, but also to manipulate information, spread misinformation, and wage cyber warfare. Therefore, it is essential to establish ethical principles and guidelines for AI development and deployment and to ensure accountability and transparency for AI systems and their outcomes.

XI. AI Today: Real-World Applications

AI is no longer a futuristic concept or a niche field. It is a reality that is transforming various industries and domains in the real world. In this section, we will explore some of the current applications of AI that are making a difference in our lives.

Healthcare: Transforming Diagnosis and Treatment

One of the most promising areas where AI is making a substantial impact is healthcare. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data, assisting doctors in diagnosing diseases with higher accuracy and speed. AI-powered systems can detect patterns in medical imaging, such as X-rays and MRIs, to identify early signs of conditions like cancer. Furthermore, AI-driven drug discovery is accelerating the process of finding new medications and treatment options.

Finance: Enhancing Decision-Making and Fraud Detection

In the financial sector, AI is playing a crucial role in optimizing decision-making processes. Algorithmic trading relies on AI to analyze market trends and execute trades at lightning speed. AI models can predict market fluctuations and identify investment opportunities, helping investors make more informed choices. Additionally, AI-powered fraud detection systems can sift through massive amounts of financial transactions to identify suspicious activities, protecting both businesses and consumers.

Transportation: Advancing Autonomous Systems

The transportation industry is experiencing a profound transformation thanks to AI-driven advancements. Autonomous vehicles are becoming a reality, with self-driving cars and trucks being tested on roads worldwide. These vehicles use AI algorithms to perceive their surroundings, make real-time decisions, and navigate safely. Beyond road transportation, AI is also revolutionizing the logistics and supply chain management, optimizing routes, and improving delivery efficiency.

Natural Language Processing: Revolutionizing Communication

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subset of AI that focuses on enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language. This technology is at the core of virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa. NLP algorithms are also being used for sentiment analysis, customer service chatbots, and language translation, breaking down language barriers and facilitating global communication.

Entertainment and Content Creation: Enriching Creativity

AI is not only transforming industries but also enriching our creative experiences. AI-generated art, music, and writing are becoming more sophisticated, blurring the lines between human and machine creativity. Algorithms can analyze vast datasets to create personalized recommendations for movies, music, and books, enhancing our entertainment choices.

XII. The Future of AI: Possibilities and Challenges

AI has come a long way since its inception, but it still has a long way to go. In this section, we will look at some of the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead for AI.

One of the most intriguing possibilities for AI is the emergence of superintelligence, which is defined as intelligence that surpasses human intelligence in all domains. Some experts believe that superintelligence could be achieved by creating artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is intelligence that can perform any intellectual task that humans can do. Others believe that superintelligence could be achieved by creating artificial superintelligence (ASI), which is intelligence that can perform any intellectual task better than humans or AGI.

However, superintelligence also poses significant challenges and risks for humanity. For instance, how can we ensure that superintelligence is aligned with our values and goals? How can we prevent superintelligence from harming us or taking over us? How can we coexist with superintelligence in a balanced way?

Another challenge for AI is addressing its limitations and concerns. For example, how can we improve the explainability and interpretability of AI systems? How can we ensure the fairness and bias-free of AI systems? How can we protect the privacy and security of data used by AI systems? How can we regulate the use and governance of AI systems?

XIII. Conclusion

In this blog post, we have explored the fascinating history and evolution of artificial intelligence, from its early inception to the cutting-edge advancements of today. We have seen how AI has evolved over time and its transformative impact on various industries. We have also discussed some of the ethical and social implications of AI, as well as the possibilities and challenges for the future.

Artificial intelligence is not a static or monolithic field, but a dynamic and diverse one that encompasses many subfields, applications, and perspectives. It is a field that constantly challenges itself to improve, innovate, and adapt to new problems and opportunities. It is a field that has the potential to enhance human capabilities, creativity, and well-being.

However, artificial intelligence is also a field that requires careful consideration, regulation, and oversight. It is a field that poses significant risks and uncertainties, especially as it approaches the level of human or superhuman intelligence. It is a field that demands responsibility, accountability, and transparency from its developers, users, and stakeholders.

Therefore, as we witness the remarkable journey of artificial intelligence, we should also be mindful of its implications and consequences. We should not be afraid or complacent, but rather curious and critical. We should not be passive or ignorant, but rather active and informed. We should not be isolated or divided, but rather collaborative and inclusive.

Artificial intelligence is not only a scientific or technological endeavor but also a cultural and social one. It is not only a product of human intelligence, but also a reflection of human values. It is not only a tool for solving problems, but also a source of inspiration and creativity.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about artificial intelligence. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below. Thank you for reading!

Amodei, Dario, et al. "Concrete problems in AI safety." arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.06565 (2016).

Goodfellow, Ian, et al. "Generative adversarial networks." In Advances in neural information processing systems, pp. 2672-2680. Curran Associates, Inc. (2014).

LeCun, Yann, et al. "Deep learning." Nature 521.7553 (2015): 436-444.

"Artificial Intelligence." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Jan. 2023,

"History of Artificial Intelligence." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Jan. 2023,

"Neural Networks." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Jan. 2023,

"Deep Learning." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Jan. 2023,

"Ethics of Artificial Intelligence." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Jan. 2023,

I. Introduction

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science that aims to create machines and systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, decision making, and natural language processing. AI is one of the most important and influential fields in modern society, as it has applications in various domains, such as healthcare, education, entertainment, business, security, and more. AI can also help us solve some of the most challenging problems facing humanity, such as climate change, poverty, disease, and war.

II. Early Beginnings of AI

The idea of creating intelligent machines is not new. It can be traced back to ancient times, when myths and legends featured stories of artificial beings endowed with human-like qualities, such as the golems of Jewish folklore or the automata of Greek mythology. These stories reflect human fascination and curiosity with the possibility of creating life-like entities that can mimic or surpass human abilities.

One of the most influential figures in the history of AI is Alan Turing, a British mathematician and computer scientist who is widely regarded as the father of computer science and AI. Turing proposed a test to determine whether a machine can exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to or indistinguishable from that of a human. The test, known as the Turing test, involves a human interrogator who engages in a conversation with a machine and a human via text messages. The interrogator's task is to identify which one is the machine and which one is the human. If the machine can fool the interrogator into thinking that it is the human, then it passes the test. Turing also envisioned that machines could learn from data and experience, and he designed a hypothetical machine called the Turing machine that could perform any computation given a set of instructions.

III. The Dartmouth Conference and the Birth of AI

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined by John McCarthy, an American computer scientist who organized a conference at Dartmouth College in 1956 to bring together researchers who were interested in studying the simulation of intelligence by machines. The conference, which is considered the official birth of AI as a field, was attended by some of the pioneers of AI, such as Marvin Minsky, Claude Shannon, Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, and Arthur Samuel. The conference participants discussed various topics related to AI, such as natural language processing, neural networks, logic, reasoning, learning, and problem solving.

The conference also sparked a wave of optimism and enthusiasm for AI research, as many early AI programs demonstrated impressive achievements in various domains. For example, Samuel developed a program that could play checkers at an expert level; Newell and Simon created a program called Logic Theorist that could prove mathematical theorems; Minsky and Dean Edmonds built a machine called SNARC that could simulate a neural network; and Shannon developed a program that could play chess.